
The scarf was originally derived from a piece of silk, and then slowly evolved into a symbol of nobility and then spread to the scarves. Common are silk, hemp, wool and cotton.
      silk scarves for crafts made of shiny and more with natural folds, looks very beautiful. And full of drape, suitable for formal occasions to wear. And because it is made of natural materials, will not cause static electricity, good insulation. Although you can also wash at home, but it is best to go to the laundry to wash. Silk scarf is easy to be insect nibbling, so in the collection of scarves must not forget to put insect repellent. Usually silk scarves are suitable for worn in the spring season. Silk romantic and natural, beautiful but not frivolous.
      In the summer season, linen scarves are the most popular. Not only feel relaxed after wearing, it seems quite fresh. Very suitable for summer with. For long-term in the air-conditioned environment of the female friends, linen scarves are essential. But linen custom design scarf are easy to wrinkle, so when you wear to pay more attention. Gently folded words should not be wrinkled.
      Used for shawls and scarves. In a very small number of cases will be used to make scarves. Is characterized by warm and very good, mostly used for the system of autumn and winter clothing. Relatively speaking, the wool scarf is easier to clean, they can be cleaned at home. And maintenance is also very simple. But should pay attention to the cleaning method. If the method is wrong, the scarf will shrink to small. Wool, cashmere, Angola rabbit hair, alpacas and other high-grade fiber is very volatile, it is recommended that you the best of these products to the laundry to the scarf to clean.
      Cotton scarf breathable, sweat, the most suitable for wear in the spring and summer season. Cotton used for the system with a national style of the long scarf, is characterized by suitable for casual wear. The cotton scarf of the grass is faded when it is cleaned, and it is not necessary to clean it with other clothing to avoid staining other clothing.

