
A lot of people are not the same body, silk scarf with a good can directly to their own charm and advantages show. For example, some people, moderate, complexion, neck slender, so suitable for wearing colorful silk scarves, such as pink, lake blue, bright yellow, rose red and so on. In the pattern can choose large flowers, large lattice, scatter, or abstract color combinations can be combined. This looks more vibrant, wise, capable.
   Some people, slightly full, the neck is not long, should pay great attention to wear digital print custom design cotton scarf. Wearing a shirtless shirt, with a soft tone, a small floral scarf will be suitable for her; wearing a high-necked sweater, do not have a small square, with a hanging to the chest long scarf better. Do not choose the color is too bright, to choose the purity of low purple, deep stone blue, dark green, brown and so on.
   Slim young women can choose tension orange, lemon yellow, fruit green, in the crowd have jump, eye-catching role.
   Skinny yellow women should avoid the purple and yellow, you can choose milk white, lake blue, green wool for knitting scarves, so that his face in the face of the scarf under the more white.
   Some women face more fat, you can choose a thin striped or small flower scarf to wear, avoid large flower scarf. Color can choose dark green, dark blue, black, brown, egg purple and so on.

