
A beautiful tie, playing in the suit who will play the role of finishing touch. And to tie a tie, it is necessary to pay attention to occasions, clothing, location, knot, length, accessories and so on.
1, pay attention to occasions. The tie has its specific application. Because the tie will mean solemnly, so in the work, office, meeting or visit the implementation of official business occasions to tie as well. In the banquet, dance, concert, to show respect for the owner, can also play tie (can be appropriate plus fashion elements). In casual occasions, usually do not have to tie.
2, pay attention to clothing. Knitted Polyester Tie, must pay attention to supporting the clothing. In general, wearing a suit suit to attend a formal occasion, is to tie the tie. When wearing a single suit, the tie does not hit. Strictly speaking, in business activities, the tie is only suitable for men to wear, tie is one of the basic signs of business men.
3, should pay attention to knot. Tie play pretty or not, the key is how to tie knot tie how to tie the basic requirements of the knot is to make it crisp, correct, older men in formal occasions, generally will be based on Windsor, young men You can choose the prince knot or Jane knot, the specific size of tie knot, the best with the face of a sense of body mass, shirt collar shape is proportional to. To make a slight change, you can press it in the following a small nest or a small trench, this is the "men's dimples", is also one of today's popular tie knot. When playing the fabric for necktie, the most taboo tie tie is not wrong, loose. When you appear on a formal occasion, be sure to tighten your tie in advance. Do not make yourself straightforward, and will be with the shirt collar "pull away."
4, pay attention to length. After the polyester print tie is played, it must be moderately short. The most standard length, after the tie is played, the bottom of the big arrow just arrived at the top of the belt buckle. More than this length, can not get a tie like "intestines" as exposed to the shirt skirt outside. And not reach this length, it is likely to from time to time from the shirt skirt "bounce" out. So the details of the tie can not be ignored.

