
How to choose the color of the suit scarf?

The main color of the suit scarf is the overall essence of the scarf. Should be based on the character, temperament, uniform style of the principle of choice scarf color, and to suit the color of the suit together. There are three types of common colors: The same type of color Yingying. Love to wear red suit suit, taboo election a green scarf, and with an amber yellow scarf seems to be more coordination. Similarly, the brown-brown suit should be equipped with camel-based scarf, and black suit is accompanied by gray (also called ash) scarf will look perfect. If the milk white, the white suit, choose a white scarf, can show elegant, demure style to. Adjacent to the color screen. Red suit with orange or orange printing scarfs; dark green suit with yellow tones or blue tones of the scarf; yellow color suit with orange-red scarf, which are a good example of adjacent shades. Adjacent color configuration can increase people's sense of interest and excitement. Contrast color contrast. Milk white, white suit with a pure red scarf; light gray suit with a red or golden scarf, will appear bright and eye-catching, magnificent, and possession of blue suit with orange scarves, but also particularly eye-catching. The above is the contrast with the color contrast.

